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Better get used to reading corporate spreadsheets, L.A. sports fans, before turning to the box scores.
Women now equal at least half of the population in most institutions of higher learning. We should ask why women have not come close to comprising half of the members of most elected government bodies.
In a seeming paradox, the Los Angeles region has been near the top in urbanization for a long time.
With so little good news, but so much of it feeling predictable, some members of the electorate may feel less than motivated to go to the polls.
Under Hahn and Villaraigosa, reform of the city's political culture went nowhere. One change might get reform started again.
In the 1920s, when the size of the city council increased from 9 to 15 members, L.A.'s population was 576,000, less than the size of two of today's 15 city council districts.
Transit and in-fill development contend with conflicting values, technical limitations, and costs.
From left: Former Bell Mayor Oscar Hernandez, former council member Luis Artiga, former Assistant City Administrator Angela Spaccia and former Bell City Administrator Robert Rizzo in L.A. Superior Court in February  2011. | IRFAN KHAN/AFP/Getty Images
The Fair Political Practices Commission, the state's political watchdog, is now investigating incidents involving former Bell officials.
Some in the national media see Mayor Villaraigosa's political "resurrection." In Los Angeles, the signs are less clear.
Last week the city of Compton agreed to put a measure on the ballot, which would institute voting by district in city council races. Currently, Compton's city council members are elected based on at-large city-wide voting.
In a conversation formidably learned and profound in its ethical depth, making a place for the moral purpose of cities
On Wednesday there was a naturalization ceremony in downtown Los Angeles, so here's a big welcome to our city!
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