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Barbara Feder Ostrov, CalMatters

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Alyssa Jenkins uses the state's MyTurn website to try to book a vaccination appointment for someone on April 19, 2021.
Considerado como una ventanilla única, el sitio de $50 millones de California ha creado problemas sin parar. Solo 27% de las vacunas reservadas cada día usan MyTurn.
Alyssa Jenkins uses the state's MyTurn website to try to book a vaccination appointment for someone on April 19, 2021.
Billed as a one-stop shop, California's $50 million site has instead created nonstop problems. Only 27% of vaccinations booked each day use MyTurn.
Domingo Comin, an employee at Carefield Assisted Living in Castro Valley, holds his vaccination card.
California no tiene planes de administrar un pasaporte. Pero el estado está enviando mensajes contradictorios a las empresas sobre la necesidad de verificar que las personas en los grandes eventos estén vacunadas.
Domingo Comin, an employee at Carefield Assisted Living in Castro Valley, holds his vaccination card.
California has no plans to administer a passport. But the state is sending mixed messages to businesses about the need to verify that people at large events are vaccinated.
Ouida Dill, left, blows a kiss to her husband David at the end of their near-daily visit at Lincoln Glen Skilled Nursing Facility on March 29, 2021 in San Jose, California.
Más de 9,000 personas han muerto de COVID-19 en hogares de ancianos de California, y muchas otras han sufrido aislamiento. Pero después de una campaña de vacunación masiva, las infecciones y las muertes se han desplomado, y los hogares de ancianos están reabriendo cautelosamente a los visitantes.
Ouida Dill, left, blows a kiss to her husband David at the end of their near-daily visit at Lincoln Glen Skilled Nursing Facility on March 29, 2021 in San Jose, California.
More than 9,000 people have died of COVID-19 in California nursing homes, and many others have suffered from isolation. But after a massive vaccination campaign, infections and deaths have plummeted — and nursing homes are cautiously reopening to visitors.
A health care worker performs a COVID-19 test on an elderly woman. | iStock via Getty Images
La nueva variante hasta ahora ha sido detectada en cuatro personas en el Estado Dorado, luego de su descubrimiento inicial en los Estados Unidos en un Guardia Nacional de Colorado.
A health care worker performs a COVID-19 test on an elderly woman. | iStock via Getty Images
The new variant so far has been detected in six people in the Golden State, after its initial discovery in the U.S. in a Colorado National Guardsman.
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