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Cat Vasko


Professional word nerd, amateur francophile, home cook, carbohydrate enthusiast and person who is obnoxious about yoga.

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If you've ever wandered through a grocery store in another country, you've likely scratched your head over the cartons of eggs sitting unrefrigerated on pallets or shelves. Here in America, we'd never dream of letting eggs sit out for more than a few m...
A bottle of freshly prepared juice, from the right purveyor, isn't just a healthy choice -- it's also a fashion statement.
SoCal's perpetually sunny climate means planting can continue year-round, according to Tara Kolla.
Here at the intersection of countless cultures, food isn't just sustenance -- it's also a map, with roads that originated all over the world intersecting in strip malls, food trucks and sidewalk griddles.
Gustavo Arellano's chronicle of how multiple culinary traditions collided to create the bagged tortilla chip, the chicken fajita, and the frozen margarita.
Photo by Jane's Sweets
Thanksgiving, as a holiday, is simultaneously marked by rigid adherence to tradition and infinite room for variation. This Thursday, there's no doubt that more variations on the meal will be eaten in LA than anywhere else in the country.
Thanksgiving turkey
A step-by-step guide to preparing the perfect Thanksgiving turkey (with tips for the more advanced cook, too).
For those meals that require a shopping trip somewhere a little more focused than Trader Joe's.
Some of our favorite spots around the county to get an afternoon rosé buzz while munching on a delicious jambon-and-brie sandwich.
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