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Kevin Ferguson

Kevin Ferguson

Born in Long Beach, California, Kevin graduated with a Bachelor's of Arts in Spanish. Before joining KPCC, Kevin worked for Marketplace and the District Weekly, a Long Beach magazine. He's also covered music, art and news for OC Weekly, LA Record, Arthur Magazine, and Riviera.

Kevin Ferguson
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Again, she hung up, thinking it was another impostor that called. The problem, as it turned out, was that the first caller was indeed Barack Obama, and the second was Emanuel. Embarrassing!
Stampedes are unique tragedies in that they're awful crimes committed by a group that is more-or-less blameless. We can blame the building, and that's it.
National Geographic went online with this unreal video of a Magnapinna, or Big Fin squid.
Just saw today that Life Magazine, in partnership with Google has unloaded a massive photo archive up onto this beautiful internet thing of ours. Looking…
we had just rushed over from Long Beach to pick up my grandma, who was staying in a senior apartment complex and had just gotten word that a mandatory evacuation was in effect.
just got off of the phone with a bartender over at Johnny’s and the poor place has been inundated with calls since last Saturday morning, when the unnamed gentleman and his unnamed alligator first patronized the bar.
Daniel barely mentions that Roky was a musician, let alone that he’s one of America’s most important and underrated songwriters.
According to the gallery's website, the white blobs originate from a ghost apparently named WRIGHT, who not only appears in images but also eerily written messages.
Tuvan throat singing was ingrained in my memory: hypnotic, droning and distant voices buried under miles of reverb. Like nothing I've ever heard.
I’m not one to take impromptu vacations.But early Friday morning that’s exactly what I did:
I recently spent a diverse Saturday night in hometown Long Beach checking out most of that night's fifth annual Soundwalk.
In high school I knew “California Scenario” as “Satan Park.” The rumor growing up went like this: now-deceased Church of Satan High Priest Anton LaVey owned a sedate Costa Mesa office complex and constructed a garden in the midd...
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