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Westport Heights Elementary School's front sign read "Alert" in March. | Karen Foshay
COVID-19 has been devastating for schools, additional funding is critical to providing good education and addressing inequities in the system. Would Prop 15 offer some relief?
Lalo Alcaraz | Samanta Helou Hernandez for "187"
Known for his political cartoons, Lalo Alcaraz's work has grown more popular than ever.
"Alerta!" Serigraph experiment, 26 x 20", 1987 at Self Help Graphics | Courtesy of Yreina D. Cervántez
During the ‘90s, Chicanx youth were coming of age in world that increasingly criminalized Black and Brown youth and marginalized communities of color. Prop 187 would become one of the catalysts for a newfound activism.
Alex Padilla | Ricardo Palavecino for "187"
Alex Padilla was a fresh MIT engineering graduate when his career trajectory changed because of Proposition 187.
Richard Montoya | Ricardo Palavecino for "187"
A part of performance group Culture Clash, Richard Montoya and his collaborators used their political humor to "ignite something that would get the U.S. Latino kids enraged about this (initiative), get them going."
Gloria Molina | Ricardo Palavecino for "187"
In her public career, Gloria Molina achieved a lot of “firsts.”
Richard Polanco | Samanta Helou Hernandez for "187"
In 1990, Richard Polanco assumed the chairmanship of the Latino Caucus, which was a small group, but he saw a political opportunity to grow the ranks of elected Latino representatives when he saw the tremendous growth of the Latino population in the state
People holding up signs that say "Wilson blaming the worldwide recession on the Immigrants" protesting Prop 187. | Still from "187"
Prop 187 is an important lesson about the strength of a galvanized Latino electorate but highlights the need for continued vigilance in the 21st-century immigration policy landscape.
Los Angeles California, October 8, 2020: Voting ballot material. | Jorge Villalba / iStock
Prop. 13 represents a clean cleave not just in the state's taxation system, but in the fabric of Californians' lives.
Joel Ochoa | Ricardo Palavecino for "187"
Joel Ochoa is a seasoned organizer who wasn't afraid to go against conventional wisdom.
A young Gil Cedillo at the head of a table discussing plans for an anti-Prop 187 march | Still from "187"
As Proposition 187 loomed on the horizon, union leaders gathered their respective organizations and united against a ballot that threatened their constituents and their communities.
Maria Elena Durazo | Samanta Helou Hernandez for "187"
Maria Elena Durazo has been at the forefront of major issues since her childhood in California fields.
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