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Rose Hayden-Smith

Rose Hayden-Smith

Dr. Rose Hayden-Smith is an author and advocate for a sustainable food system. She is the founding editor/curator of the UC Food Observer blog, which was launched in 2015 as part of the University of California’s Global Food Initiative. Her book, "Sowing the Seeds of Victory: American Gardening Programs of World War I," was published by McFarland in 2014. She holds four degrees from UC Santa Barbara, including Masters degrees in Education and U.S. history and a doctorate in U.S. history.

Rose Hayden-Smith
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Robert Egger ucobserver
"My motto is 'All food has power, and all people have potential.'"
Photo: Isabel Gomes
"Farmland should be as integral to a community as a fire station or a school. Farms should be included in city planning."
Sayer grows lemons, avocados, specialty citrus, figs, and is a food entrepreneur. One of his recent projects is producing fig wine in partnership with a local winery.
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