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Episode 5: The Calling

The Calling

Season 4 Episode 5
When Whales Could Walk

When Whales Could Walk

Season 51 Episode 1
Americas Now

Peru - Counterfeit Money

Peru - Counterfeit Money (Dan Collyns) - The Peruvian capital of Lima is the "fake dollar" capital of the world, according to the United States Secret Service. For the past four years, the U.S. government has declared Peru the world's leading producer of fake US currency. That's a fact drawing a lot of attention to the clandestine world of Peru's counterfeiters as Correspondent Dan Collyns reports.

Venezuela - Underwater Village (Stephen Gibbs) - Since the 1970's, Venezuela has been heavily dependent on hydroelectric power to provide the nation's energy. But this year, a combination of increased demand and drought has caused the water levels at all of the country's main dams to fall to historically low levels. It's been a serious problem for the government which imposed power rationing. But it's also led to an interesting, perhaps less negative side-effect. As the water levels fall, long submerged valleys are being exposed again. Our correspondent Stephen Gibbs traveled to the state of Tachira in the West of the country, where an entire village has re-emerged.

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