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California Coastal Trail

Connecting Communities on the Humboldt Bay Trail

Season 1 Episode 42

"Our roads provide a route to get from one place to another. Trails provides something more...they provide a destination in and of itself," muses Hank Seemann of Humboldt County Environmental Services. Aiming to improve road safety and to promote healthy recreational opportunities, the Humboldt Bay Trail is a network of shared-use trails that will eventually connect the two largest cities in Humboldt County: Arcata and Eureka. Part of the California Coastal Trail, sections of this path pass by freshwater ponds, saltwater sloughs, wetlands and hundreds of species of birds that migrate here each year. Strong support from the community, bolstered by the creation of the Humboldt Bay Trail Fund, is pushing for the completion of a continuous 14-mile trail around Humboldt Bay. "Trail supporters are driven by something deep inside," adds Seemann, a clear nod to this community's belief in this trail's positive impact on this stretch of California's North Coast.

Support Provided By
Newport Beach: Hanging Out at the Pier
Newport Beach's coastal center is undoubtedly around its namesake pier selling fresh fish.
Little Corona del Mar Beach
Little Corona del Mar Beach makes up for its size with a bounty of tide pools.
San Clemente
San Clemente's coast is 2.3 miles of beautifully constructed trail, and 11 beaches.
Ocean Discovery Institute
Enter Ocean Discovery Institute, founded 1999 to help fill in gaps in science education.
Oceanside Transit Center
San Diego's coastline is fortunate enough to be hugged by a major rail artery.
Border Field State Park
At the most southern end of the California Coastal Trail you find classic, sandy beaches.
Scripps Institution of Oceanography
The Scripps Institution of Oceanography continues to honor its 100 year legacy.
The Scripps Wave Phox
This segment features a profile of Phil Breshnahan, a sixth year Ph.D. candidate.
Coronado: Where the Beach Sparkles
Explore the vast expanse and beauty of Coronado and its neighboring coastal communities.
Tijuana Estuary
The Tijuana Estuary is a coastal salt marsh where the tides come and go, like the ocean.
From Border to Border
The CCT may someday become as recognizable as other famous American routes.
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