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In the Faroe Islands Fulmar Eggs Are Collected from Cliffs
In the Faroe Islands, locals collect a traditional delicacy Fulmar eggs from high cliffs.
In Vanuatu the Islanders Depend on Fishing to Survive
In Vanuatu islanders depend on fishing to provide them with food from the sea.
Helicopter Cowboys Wrangle Cattle in Australia
Wrangling cattle by helicopter in Australia is a dangerous job for helicopter cowboys.
In Australia Aboriginal Peoples Hunt for Crocodile Eggs
In Australia Aboriginal peoples risk their lives collecting saltwater crocodile eggs.
In Nepal Herders Bring Yaks Down a Steep Mountain Pass
In Nepal herders bring their yaks down one of the steepest mountain passes in the region.
In Ethiopia Villagers Climb Sheer Cliffs for a Baptism
In Ethiopia’s Gheralta mountain villagers climb sheer cliffs for a baptism.
In Brazil Villagers Use a Natural Toxin to Paralyze Fish
In Brazil, indigenous peoples use a natural plant toxin to paralyze hundreds of fish.
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