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For Dad
A teenage girl keeps her comatose father up to date on her struggles to deal with his absence, high school and growing up through a series of brief recordings.
Still from Guardian
13th century, Serbia. Vukasin is a wanted outlaw on the run. One faithful night he stumbles upon a hidden pagan temple.
Still from One More Time
Dates can be awkward.
A ghastly shadow creeps through the ruins of a dark postwar city. A small, spider-like robot sneaks into the few remaining houses, in search for victims...
Domestic Policy
A satirical comedy which wryly suggests that today's obsession with female appearance was borne out of one official government meeting that took place just after WW1.
Still from Ten Thousand Camels
This short film is the last thirteen minutes in the lives of two good men.
Still from Pumpkin
Alice's best friend, Dan, lives in another country. When he gives her the bad news about his disease, Alice faces the scary feeling of being away, distant and powerless.
"Nine Lives" Still
A short documentary that chronicles the 'nine lives' of Aviator and Entrepreneur, Harald Bauer.
Still from Remain Rain
Event of a rainy night at home for a baby boy.
Still from War and Cheese
“I heard destiny calling… I was going to be a cheesemaker.” When Oleg Sirota discovered his native Russia was banning all Western cheese imports, he quit his IT job in Moscow, sold his house and cars, took out a $100k loan and set about building a cheese
Still from Our World
A man has the power to bring to life the things that we dream about. One night, he decides to bring his best friend's sister back to life.
Still from Meticulous
A trained assassin narrates a typical day in his life.
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